A Bright Future for Cocoa Farmers

Projections show global production remaining behind the increasing demand, indicating that there is a clear need for expanded production of higher quality cocoa.
Continue Reading →While most billionaires are engrossed in aggrandizing their empires, some are pausing and rethinking their priorities. Corporate empires and governments can exist only if the ordinary citizen can exist in basic contentment, especially with regard to the provision of daily food. But food is becoming scarcer each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the poorer
Continue Reading →Projections show global production remaining behind the increasing demand, indicating that there is a clear need for expanded production of higher quality cocoa.
Continue Reading →The moringa oleifera tree is one of the ways that God is showing mercy to the world he created, not only for the present times but especially for the coming years when the greatest famine in history sweeps through the entire earth. A coming global famine of unprecedented intensity and scope has been forecast by
Continue Reading →Over the next few decades, therefore, there will be famine on a scale many times larger than ever before in human history. It is possible, of course, that warfare and plague will take their toll to a large extent before famine claims its victims.
Continue Reading →As wheat and rice prices surge, the humble potato – long derided as a boring tuber prone to making you fat – is being rediscovered as a nutritious crop that could cheaply feed an increasingly hungry world. Potatoes has come a long way from its original cultivation in the Peruvian Andes several thousand years ago.
Continue Reading →There is no tragedy greater than the horror of little children literally starving to death because there is nobody to feed them just a few morsels of bread.
Continue Reading →While most billionaires are engrossed in aggrandizing their empires, some are pausing and rethinking their priorities. Corporate empires and governments can exist only if the ordinary citizen can exist in basic contentment, especially with regard to the provision of daily food. But food is becoming scarcer each year, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the poorer
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